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Through personal stories, understand how to best improve decision-making skills and develop personal skills to respond to uncertain and challenging situations. A practical and logical framework will be shared with engaging interactive exercises to reinforce these newfound skills and approach to life.

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Uncertainty: LeAnn Elder

Uncertainty: LeAnn Elder

I think you have to expect uncertainty. You have to understand that it is coming. No one has all the answers and there you will be thrown curve balls and you have to be okay with the potential outcomes and prepare for them. But you have to; uncertainty is very difficult for a lot of people. Certainty is one of those basic human needs that drives a lot of people. When they feel like they don't have it, that's where you can get out of control and be very anxious and you can allow yourself to succumb in a very negative way. If you don't learn how to handle the fact that uncertainty is just a part of life, I do believe you have to have a lot of faith, right? You have to have a lot of faith that, in the end, it won't always be like this. In the end, this is fixable. In the end, I can rise above the difficulties that are in front of me and sometimes you don't know how you're going to get through it, and you are very uncertain about the future. And it does make you nervous in your approach in dealing with life. But you really don't have a choice. Like you can't, you're never going to get. But so far in life, if you think you're going to be confident and certain and secure about everything going on around you - it doesn't work that way. So, I can't look to have constant certainty in my life. I can only develop, make sure I work on myself from within, so that I'm strong enough to face the uncertainty and figure out what I can do to either fix it or deal with it and adjust my own mindset about it.
Uncertainty: Michael Ojo

Uncertainty: Michael Ojo

Yeah, uncertainty is tough. One thing I learned from therapy in the first couple of sessions was you can only control what you can control. And we all need to realize that there's certain things we cannot control. If we are having a bad day and maybe we want to go for a walk, but it's raining outside, it's torrential downpour, we can't control turning the rain off so there's no use of being aggravated about it. But what we can do is we can find somewhere quiet to sit down and just realize that I am in a very stressful state of mind. Let me find some peace and do something that will make me positive and happy and something that will make me progressive. That's really what you can control. So you just try to work on yourself in ways you can. I think the best way to do that is just kind of really understand who you are. (28:32): That takes time, but when you really know who you are, you believe in yourself. Again, it goes to confidence. Even during these uncertain times, you'll prevail. You'll get yourself out of it. And I've been there and even recently I've been there. And when I think about those times, I think about times where I've been there previously and I'm like, oh, well, I remember that time where I felt this same way, but guess what? That was a year ago and I got out of that situation. I'm in a better place today. So now that I feel like I'm in another uncertain situation, I've got to remember that if I keep on being positive and proactive, I can get out of this situation and in months, days, years from now, I'll be in a better place. So it's positivity, positive reinforcement in the mindset.(29:26): So this isn't confession, but maybe it's always been, Kim kind of suggested this to me. If you could say one thing that you've made a mistake on, I'm not trying to make it say you did that you not regret, but you may have done over and then what you learned from it because life is up and down or it could be something where you were down, something happened and then you kind of recovered from it.

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