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Project Financial Freedom

Overview: Why does it matter? What is in it for me? Attitude and approach to financial freedom. Different perspective on time, decision making and financial well-being. Introduce +Club Pulse to inspire sharing personal thoughts and experiences.

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+ CLUB Moments

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World of Possibilities: Michael Ojo

World of Possibilities: Michael Ojo

The biggest lesson, to keep it brief, is life is extremely short and you want to take the time to enjoy as much of it as possible. You want to also take the time to remind yourself to enjoy everything you do and it should be with pleasure. It's not going to be with ease. There's always going to be challenges, but if you find what you love to do in every day, continue to do it. I think when we're younger, we don't have the responsibilities of paying bills or having to make money per se. We just like to wake up and play video games or do sports or hang out with friends or go to the movies or the mall. Those are the simple pleasures of life. As we get older, we now have responsibilities, so we now have to push away some of those pleasures when we're younger. And also those pleasures change as we get older, but in our lives, we should always make sure that whatever we're doing, we enjoy doing it. There's a saying that says, if you enjoy what you do, you never work a day in your life. I didn't know what that meant because I've had many a jobs where I've worked many days in my life, but now that I became an entrepreneur and I am chasing my goals and my dreams to do what I want to do every day when I wake up, I feel like I haven't worked a day and I enjoy it. And some days are tougher than others, but as long as you have pleasure and you really enjoy what you're doing, and you take the notion that life is short and that you have to enjoy the time that you have today because we don't know if we're promised tomorrow, you'll really do the most and have the most fun and enjoy life.

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